Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Electronic Business

Intelligence is a valuable business information for currency and relevance. Intelligence is a specialist business information technology or other fields that will lead and manage the business. Business intelligence, comprehensive knowledge of business, one customer, business partners, internal operations and external competition, helps businessmen better their decision-making, by collecting and analyzing data in a variety of technologies and applications.

The same applied in electronic business is E-business intelligence. This is a broad and in depth about a particular E-business to help make e-business in an effective way. Specifically in business intelligence, competitive intelligence, a study that moves from competitors and make the appropriate decision.

Electronic business intelligence will help the organization of electronic business that will take place. Business people also need to take decisions, which is a source of competitive advantage, and make forecasts about the condition of a business will face.

Electronic business intelligence that helps one know the position of a business compare with competitors. It helps online customers and in accordance with their needs that can change the business world. Electronics on the market, and the demographics of new customers, the future of corporate strategy may be able to understand the intelligence business.

Electronic business intelligence to help organizations eliminate the guesswork, strengthen coordination between departments and make immediate response to changes in the business and competition. This will help the company improve its performance.

Electronic business intelligence should be concentrated on the following to make a business move smoothly to create a high profit. Must understand the trends of changes in customer needs and desires and plans to provide products and services innovatively. Must understand the customers who visit the new website. He also must learn what makes a superior competitor and try to move them better. Business must understand the intelligence needs of the presentation interesting web site, save the audience, read it. Electronic business intelligence in the workplace to provide an understanding of the internal organization as well.

Software applications and some of the technology used by people working in business intelligence to make the data stored and the analysis will be presented in a useful way. In some companies, to make business intelligence data warehouse that will be used.

There are many tools developed to collect and analyze data by those who work in business intelligence. They associative Query Logic, Business Management and Performance Measurement, Business Planning, Data Farming, and data warehousing, Customer Relationship Management and Marketing, Data mining, Decision Support System and predict, document warehouse and Executive Information Systems, Human Resources, Management Mapping Management, and Geographical Information System, Online Analytical Processing and the multidimensional analysis, Statistics and Technical Data Analysis, Business Process Re-engineering Competitive Analysis, Supply Chain Management, System intelligence, information visualization and Dash boarding, Document Management, Enterprise Management systems, trends analysis , User / End-user Query and Reporting and Text mining.

This application has been minimized and eased the paper business intelligence, but they have implemented and the high profitability of the business is very knowledgeable. Professional, who has worked as a consultant or employee of a group of intelligent people. KoreOne require treatment and keep the information about the professional needs of the company. Employers have been given the same people from KoreOne.
Shakir A, independent author for IT Recruiting and Staffing Services / IT Technical Professional Staffing Services, Jobs, Business, Consulting, Recruiting and latest trends in hiring industry in San Jose, California and near the city / state.


Abdul Rochim said...

Nice Post, thank's for sharing.

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